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Линия по производству сверхтонкого карбоната кальция от 20 000 тонн до 100 000 тонн в год

Aiming at the special demands from chemical industry about super fine grinding Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd recognizes and absorbs the advanced technology about German super fine ball mill, forms the equipment fabrication about fineness 2-25μm large-scale micro-fine powder from 2 to 100000tons per year, and supply the complete technical proposal. It is widely used for the super fine grinding of chemical raw materials such as titanium oxide, alumina, calcium carbonate, its fineness can reach nanometer grade, and also it can be used for nanometer material production. Matched with German classifier has exported into many foreign.
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Aiming at the special demands from chemical industry about super fine grinding Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd recognizes and absorbs the advanced technology about German super fine ball mill, forms the equipment fabrication about fineness 2-25μm large-scale micro-fine powder from 2 to 100000tons per year, and supply the complete technical proposal. It is widely used for the super fine grinding of chemical raw materials such as titanium oxide, alumina, calcium carbonate, its fineness can reach nanometer grade, and also it can be used for nanometer material production. Matched with German classifier has exported into many foreign countries such as Vietnam and Venezuela. Jiangsu Kunshan Taijia Glass Limited Company- Taiwan funded enterprise is the largest microcrystal glass manufacturer in Asia, its super fine ball mill is fabricated by Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd. Other users at home are Zhejiang Jiande Fine Calcium Industry Limited Company, Zhenjiang Titanium oxide Limited Company, Jiangdou New Jinghui Special Refractory Limited Company, Anhui Tongling Anda Limited Company, Anhui Wind Calcium Industry Limited Company, Guangdong Meiyan Group, Shanxi Jufeng Kaolin Limited Company and so on. Jiangsu Pengfei Group supplies all the equipments for the complete production line included rotary kiln super fine calcium carbonate production line, crushing, conveying, grinding, classifying, dust collecting, packing.


Материал высокой твердости: карбид кремния, корунд, гранат, карбид бора, диоксид циркония, цирконовый песок, рубеллит
Высокоочищенные материалы: кристалл, глинозем, флуоресцентный порошок, литий (марганец) оксид кобальта
Пластиковые материалы: Все виды изделий из смолы
Пористость материалов: Диоксид кремния (обеспыливающий агент)
Легкие качественные слоистые структурные материалы: слюда, тальк, графит
Термочувствительные материалы: угольный порошок для копий, пестициды, смесители различных цветов
Неметаллические минералы: брусит, карбонат кальция, диоксид кремния, барит, бентонит, каолин
Редкоземельный материал: оксид редкоземельных элементов, редкоземельный металл
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