Тел:+86-513-88755311 E-mail:pf@pengfei.com.cn
On December 6, according to the Jiangsu provincial human resources and social security department, Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd. was listed in the new national post doctoral исследование stations in 2020, which is another great honor since the company was awarded the national enterprise technology center in 2016 and the national manufacturing industry single champion of the Ministry of industry in 2017. This will attract more high-end young talents to focus on Pengfei, stimulate the company's innovation vitality and improve the company's competitiveness in the international and domestic markets.

С одной стороны, pГруппа компаний Engfei в полной мере использует company's advantages in providing customized one-stop solutions for design, procurement, construction and trial operation as an EPC service supplier, technology and brand advantages of rotary kiln system and grinding equipment, consolidate the traditional market and constantly expand the emerging market. We will promote innovation of enterprises, further improve the construction of technological innovation system, promote the combination of industry, University, исследование and application, increase technological transformation and upgrading, and overcome the bottleneck of исследование крупных проектов.


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